Jiang Dawei
Jiang Dawei
Scientific biography:
Prof.Dr. Dawei Jiang, FRSA, has a doctor’s degree in management , a doctor of management,and is a professor at the Chinese Academy of Management Sciences.
Prof.Dr. Dawei Jiang is the fellow of Europasche Akademie der Naturwissenschaften,the life fellow of RSA (The Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, a professor-level senior engineer, researcher, and deputy secretary-general of the Reproductive Health Special Committee of the China Population Culture Promotion Association.
Prof.Dr. Dawei Jiang is also a cooperative mentor for master’s students at Shandong University of Finance and Economics, an expert in the science and technology expert database of Hunan Province, and the deputy director of the Central New Film Inheritance and Influence Program Editing Department. And He is the executive editor of the «China Medical Equipment» magazine and an editorial board member of the «Psychosomatic Medicine Research» journal as well as a reviewer for many domestic and foreign journals.
Prof.Dr. Dawei Jiang has been engaged in the practice and research of discipline construction, quality, and standard innovation management for long time.
Prof.Dr. Dawei Jiang has led many national business education research and training projects, including the «Thirteenth Five-Year Plan», «Fourteenth Five-Year Plan» sub-project of the Ministry of Education’s industry-university cooperation collaborative education project, the ASEAN education key project, and the Jiangsu Vocational Ability Examination textbook project.
Prof.Dr. Dawei Jiang has obtained more than ten national service industry scientific and technological innovation awards and provincial and municipal achievement awards.
Prof.Dr. Dawei Jiang has edited or participated in dozens of national health and family planning commission «Thirteenth Five-Year Plan» textbooks, copyrighted works, and core papers.
Prof.Dr. Dawei Jiang has been awarded some honorary title, such as the Outstanding Contribution Award for China’s Industrial Research and Development and the Skillful Teacher Honor.
Профессор РАОиФН им. ак. М.В. Ломоносова.