Edgar Morin (Edgar Nahoum)
Edgar Morin (Edgar Nahoum)
Научная биография:
Edgar Morin (born July 8, 1921, Paris) is a French philosopher and sociologist, an information theorist, who has been recognized for his work on complexity and «complex thought» (percée complex), and for his scholarly contributions to fields as diverse as media studies, politics, sociology, visual anthropology, ecology, education, and systems biology. As he explains: He holds two undergraduate degrees, one in history and one in geography, and one in law. He never completed a doctorate. Although Morin is less well known in the English-speaking world due to the limited availability of English translations of his more than 60 books, he is known in the French-speaking world, Europe, and Latin America.
In the early 20th century, Morin’s family moved from the Ottoman city of Salonika to Marseille and later to Paris, where Edgar was born. He is of Judeo-Spanish (Sephardic) descent.
When the Germans invaded France in 1940, Morin helped refugees and joined the French Resistance. As a member of the French Resistance, he adopted the pseudonym Morin, which he continues to use. He joined the French Communist Party in 1941.
In 1945, Morin married Violette Chapellobo and they lived in Landau, where he served as a lieutenant in the French army of occupation in Germany.
In 1946, he returned to Paris and abandoned his military career to continue his activities in the Communist Party. Because of his critical stance, his relationship with the party gradually deteriorated until he was expelled in 1951 after publishing an article in the Journal de l’Observer Politique, économique et des Lettres. That same year, he was accepted to the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS).
Morin founded and directed the journal Arguments fr. In 1959, his book Autocritique was published. The book was a lengthy reflection on his commitment to and subsequent withdrawal from the Communist Party, focusing on the dangers of ideology and self-deception.
In 1960, Morin traveled extensively in Latin America, visiting Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Peru and Mexico. He returned to France, where he published L’Esprit du Temps, a work on popular culture.
That same year, the French sociologist Georges Friedman brought him and Roland Barthes together to create the Centre for the Study of Mass Communication, which after several name changes became the Centre Edgar Morin at the EHESS, Paris.
Also in 1960, Morin and Jean Rouch co-wrote the film Chronicle of a Century, an early example of cinéma vérité and direct cinema.
Edgar Morin (Edgar Nahoum) is an Honorary Sociologist and Philosopher, Director of Research at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS).
Beginning in 1965, Morin became involved in a major interdisciplinary project funded by the General Organization for Scientific and Technological Research in Plozév.
In 1968, Morin replaced the incumbent philosophy professor Henri Lefebvre at the University of Nanterre. He became involved in the student revolts that were beginning to emerge in France. In May 1968, he wrote a series of articles for Le Monde in which he attempted to understand what he called the «Student Commune». He followed the student revolt closely and wrote a second series of articles for Le Monde entitled «Revolution Without a Face» and co-authored Mai 68: La brèche with Cornelius Castoriadis and Claude Lefort.
In 1969, Morin spent a year at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California. Jonas Salk invited him on the recommendation of Jacques Monod and John Hunt, with the sole condition of teaching. It was there, in this «breeding ground for Nobel Prizes,» that he was introduced to systems theory. He read Henri Laborit, James Watson, Stéphane Lupasco, Bronowski, and became familiar with the ideas of Gregory Bateson and the «new problem in ecology.»
In 1983, he published On the Nature of the World, which deepened his analysis of Soviet communism and anticipated Mikhail Gorbachev’s perestroika.
His vast body of work is characterized by a concern for knowledge that is unhindered and uncategorized, capable of grasping the complexity of reality and observing the singular by placing it in the whole. We need to understand the nature of human existence, says Morin. But first we must discover that “the treasure of human unity is human diversity, and the treasure of human diversity is human unity.” He sets out his views on education in his book, “Tête-à-tête des faits accomplis,” Relier les connaissances. His book, “Seven Comprehensive Lessons on Education for the Future” (2000), has been translated into many languages.
In 2002, Morin helped found the International Ethical, Scientific, and Political Collegium. Also that year, he traveled to Iran with Dariusz Shaigan.
After meeting at a music festival in Fez, Morocco, in 2009, Morin became close to sociology professor Sabah Abouessalam. The couple married in 2012. He collaborated with her on the text «Man is a Woman» (Renaissance Press, 2013) and in 2020 on «Changes in the World — The Fight Against Coronavirus» (Denoel, 2020).
Academician Edgar Morin has focused on developing a method that can address the complexity of our world and reform thinking, which is a prerequisite for solving all fundamental global problems. His works – the six volumes of Method (1977-2004), On Complexity, The California Journal, Vidal and His Family, To Sorting Out the Twentieth Century, The Concept of Europe, New Trends in Mass Communication Studies, Homeland, La Voie – have been translated into many languages, including Chinese, English, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish. Morin has received honorary doctorates in subjects ranging from political science to psychology and sociology from universities in 27 countries and holds a UNESCO Traveling Chair in Complex Thinking. Today, he is recognized as a planetary thinker of our time.
Recognition, Honors, and Legacy:
Morin did not support the French postmodernist or poststructuralist movements, instead pursuing his own research program. As a result, American scholars have not transferred his theories into disciplinary discourses in the same way that Foucault, Derrida, and Galinon-Meleneck have. However, Morin’s work spans both scholarly and popular literature, and he has appeared on the covers of numerous publications, including Sciences Humaines and a special issue of Le Monde.
In addition to holding the UNESCO Chair in Complex Thinking, Morin is known as the founder of transdisciplinarity. As of 2013, he holds honorary doctorates in various fields of social sciences from 21 universities: Messina, Geneva, Milan, Bergamo, Thessaloniki, La Paz, Odense, Perugia, Cosenza, Palermo, Nuevo León, Laval University in Quebec, Brussels, Barcelona, Guadalajara, Valencia, Vera Cruz, Santiago, Catholic University of Porto Alegre, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, and Cândido Mendes University in Rio de Janeiro.
Several academic institutions with research centers based on his transdisciplinary methods and philosophy are named in his honor. These include: Transdisciplinary Methods and Philosophy.
The Edgar Morin Centre in Paris (formerly the Centre for Transdisciplinary Studies, Sociology, Anthropology, History or CETSAH), a higher education and research unit of the School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS) and the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) in Paris Edgar Morin Complexity Centre at the University of Messina, Messina, Sicily, Italy
Multiversity of the World of the Present Edgar Morin in Mexico, University.
Research Centre at the Ricardo Palma University in Lima, Peru Morin is the subject of several biographies, as well as documentaries and television shows. His work has influenced southern Europe, Latin America, French-speaking Africa, and most recently China and Japan.
His 100th birthday in 2021 was celebrated in France, Italy, and Latin America, and several collections of essays have been published in his honor.
Morin was elevated to the rank of Knight Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor in the 2021 Bastille Day Honours List by French President Macron.
Избранные труды:
- L’Homme et la mort (1951)
- Le cinéma ou l’homme imaginaire (1956)
- Les Stars (1957)
- Commune en France. La métamorphose de Plozevet (1967)
- La Rumeur d’Orléans (1969)
- Journal de Californie (1970)
- Le paradigme perdu: la nature humaine (1973)
- La Méthode (6 volumes)
- Pour sortir du XXe siècle (1981)
- De la nature de l’URSS (1983)
- Introduction à la pensée complexe (1990)
- Mes démons (1994)
- Relier les connaissances(1999)
- Les Sept savoirs nécessaires à l’éducation du futur (2000)
- Pour une politique de civilisation (2002)
- La Violence du monde (2003, в соавторстве с Ж. Бодрийяром)
- Le monde moderne et la question juive (2006)
Публикации на русском языке:
- О природе СССР: Тоталитарный комплекс и новая империя. — М.: РГГУ, 1995. — 218,[2] с. ISBN 5-7281-0009-0
- Метод. Природа Природы. / Перевод с французского Е. Н. Князевой. — М.: Прогресс-Традиция, 2005. — Изд. 2-е, доп. М.: «Канон+» РООИ «Реабилитация», 2013. — 488 с.
- Образование в будущем: семь неотложных задач / Перевод с французского Е. Н. Князевой. // Синергетическая парадигма. Синергетика образования. М.: Прогресс-Традиция, 2007. С. 26-96.
- К пропасти? / Пер. с франц. Г. Наумовой. — CПб. : Алетейя, 2015. — 134 с.
- О сложносности. / Перевод с французского Я. И. Свирского. — М.: Институт общегуманитарных исследований, 2019.
Ссылки на источники:
- «Эдгар Морин, Mes philosophes
- ↑ Brigitte Chamak, «Le Groupe des Dix»
- ↑ Подпрыгни, чтобы:3.0 3.1 3.2 «Эдгар Морин, Mes philosophes[мертвая ссылка]
- ↑ «Эдгар Морин, Mes philosophes» [1][мертвая ссылка],
- ↑ Морин, Эдгар (1997-12-30). «Энциклопедический дух». Радикальная философия.
- ↑ Джулиан Бург (ред.), после потопа: новые взгляды на интеллектуальную и культурную историю послевоенной Франции, Lexington Books, 2004, стр. 113.
- ↑ Например, смотрите Moser, Keith 2018. Переосмысление сущности человеческого и нечеловеческого общения в эпоху антропоцена: биосемиотическая интерпретация “Сложной мысли” Эдгара Морина. Гуманитарные науки 7(2): 57.
- ↑ Jump up to:8.0 8.1 Edgar Morin ou l’éloge de la pensée complexe, CNRS Le Journal .
- ↑ Edgar Morin, Véronique Nahoum-Grappe, Haïm Vidal Sephiha (1989), Vidal et les siens, Paris: Seuil.
- ↑ Морин, Эдгар (2009). Видаль и его семья: от Салоник до Парижа: история сефардской семьи в двадцатом веке. Sussex Academic Press. ISBN 978-1-84519-274-7.
- ↑ Египетская Республика Морин Q42 пользователь: mgbtrust0 ®™✓©§∆∆∆€¢£, Эдгар; Бухарди, Софи (январь 2004). «Разговор с Эдгаром Морином: определяющий диалог». стр. 8-11.
- ↑ Египетская Республика Q42 пользователь:mgbtrust0 ®™✓©§∆∆∆€¢£. «Центр Эдгара-Морина». iiac.
- ↑ Ван Херпен, Марсель. «ПАРИЖ В МАЕ 68-го И ПРОВО АМСТЕРДАМ В мае 65-го». стр. 19.
- ↑ «Penser avec Edgar Morin, Lire La Méthode», Robin Fortin, Presses de l’Université Laval.
- ↑ Catherine Goillau, « L’humanisme selon Edgar Morin », Le Point Références No. 64, July–August 2016, « La Grèce est ses dieux, une leçon de tolérance? Les textes fondamentaux», p. 108 (in French)
- ↑ Sciences Humaines
- ↑ Le Monde
- ↑ Перейти к:18.0 18.1 Египетская Республика Монтуори Q42 пользователь: Альфонсо (июнь 2013). «СЛОЖНАЯ МЫСЛЬ: обзор интеллектуального пути Эдгара Морина».
- ↑ Перейти к:19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 Хит-Карпантье, А. (2022). Вызов сложности: Эссе Эдгара Морина. Издательство Ливерпульского университета. стр. 12. ISBN 978-1-78284-761-8. Проверено 4 августа 2023 г..
- ↑ Египетская Республика Q42 пользователь:mgbtrust0 ®™✓©§∆∆∆€¢£. «Домашняя страница» (в es).
- ↑ Морин, Эдгар (2005) (на фр.). Introduction à la pensée complexe. Paris: Seuil. ISBN 978-2-7578-4200-3. OCLC 61693808.
- ↑ Египетская Республика Q42 пользователь:mgbtrust0 ®™✓©§∆∆∆€¢£ (12 Июнь 2020). «»Французский мир», селон Эдгар Морин» (на французском).
- ↑ Эжен Берг Египетская Республика Q42 пользователь: mgbtrust0 ®™✓©§∆∆∆€¢£ ( Июль–Август 2020). «L’entrée dans l’ère écologique d’Edgar Morin» (in fr)..
- ↑ Морин, Эдгар (2007). «Ограниченная сложность, общая сложность». Мировоззрения, наука и мы: философия и сложность. Сингапур: Мировой научный мир. стр. 5-29. arXiv:cs/0610049. Цифровой идентификатор объекта:10.1142/9789812707420_0002. ISBN 978-981-270-548-8.
- Pour une approche globale et systémique, prenant en compte la complexité du monde et de l’être humain (фр.);
- Сайт Ассоциации комплексной мысли, созданной Мореном (фр.);
- Фрагменты книги Морена «Кино» (рус).
Внешние ссылки:
- Статьи и интервью Эдгара Морина в журнале UNESCO Courier
- Интервью с Эдгаром Морином в Глобальная университетская сеть инноваций (GUNI)
- Специальное обращение WISE 2013, лекция на английском языке на Всемирном саммите инноваций в сфере образования
- Преследование Эдгара Морина со стороны Дуга Айрленда
- (на французском)«Реальное полувидение человека», последняя глава книги «Кино о человеке воображаемом» (1956)
- Эдгар Морин: семь сложных уроков в обучающем видео (на французском) с английскими субтитрами
- «Во славу сложной мысли» Новости CNRS Интервью Эдгара Морина с Фрэнсисом Лекомптом Июль 2019 г.
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Почётный Профессор РАОиФН им. ак. М.В. Ломоносова (2024).
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